Today's wee daily three is interesting to say the least! Sometimes, they don't make any sense or relate to me at all...
Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:
S, H, D - A problem will be solved, things will steadily improve.
Rule 2 - Suits:
S, H, D - An emotional (H) problem (S) is successfully (D) overcome.
Rule 3 - Numerology:
2, 2, K - Exchanges (2), Exchanges (2)*, Men and/or Power
Rule 4 - Card Definitions:
2 of Spades - Arguments; Conflicts; Separation
2 of Hearts - Love; Relationships; Marriage
K of Diamonds - A fair man or a man of financial means; Financial power to pay for things
A person (Court Card - KD) from who you have been separated (2S) returns to the marriage (2H).
*Note - Take notice of the double twos falling together, this can indicate things (good and bad) coming in pairs!
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