Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Career Move -- Wee Daily Three

My husband has been thinking about making a career move; and with this economy it has been weighing on my mind!  I see that today's cards are telling me to trust...


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:

R, R, B - A problem is on the horizon.

Rule 2 - Suits:

H, D, C - Sharing (H) the fruits (D) of one's labor (C).

Rule 3 - Numerology:

8, A, 8 - Thoughts (8), Beginnings (A), Thoughts (8)

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

8 of Hearts - Thoughts about love or emotional thoughts; A group of people celebrating; Festive atmosphere, party, or sometimes a wedding; "Raised cups," social drinking; Flirtatious conversations; A social club
A of Diamonds - Money; Letter; Something new, generally connected with finances; Fire; a diamond ring
8 of Clubs - Thoughts about work; Work or career, in general; Business conversations, sometimes a job interview; Company or corporation; Labor union; Practical plans

Celebrating (8H) new financial opportunities (AD) connected with work or career; perhaps news leading to a job interview (8C).

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Wish Fulfilled -- Wee Daily Three

I have so many different ventures that today's wee daily three could apply too; only time will tell the entire tale!


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:

B, B, R - A light at the end of the tunnel.

Rule 2 - Suits:

S, C, H - A problem (S) is easily (H) solved on a work or personal project (C).

Rule 3 - Numerology:

3, J, 9 - Things Growing (3), Youth and/or Messages (J), Changes (9)

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

3 of Spades - Problems adding up; Small aggravations; Interference from a third party; Loss, something lost
J of Clubs - A youth of darker coloring or a practical, efficient youth; A youth active in endeavors like sports, clubs or volunteering; An apprentice; A message concerning a business venture or some practical matter
9 of Hearts - The "Big Wish Card", Change for the better; The Client's wish will come true, whether known or unknown; A change of heart

A message (JC) concerning a delay or a problem (3S) that is overcome with the assistance of a business associate (combination of JC and 9H) resulting in a "wish" fulfilled (9H).

Saturday, September 22, 2012

New Tasks -- Wee Daily Three

Today's cards are pretty straight forward...


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:

B, R, R - A problem or delay is overcome; things steadily improve.

Rule 2 - Suits:

C, H, H - Working (C) in the right direction for emotional success (H, H).

Rule 3 - Numerology:

A, Q, 7 - Beginnings (A), Women and/or Truths (Q), Troubles (7)

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

A of Clubs - A new duty, task, goal, or opportunity
Q of Hearts - A woman of medium coloring or an emotional, artistic woman; A sensitive or intuitive woman; The mother or other woman in the Client's life, such as a sister or aunt; A wife or homemaker; Whoever she is, she has the Client's best interests at heart
7 of Hearts - A troubled heart or emotional problem; Unsettled emotions; Dissipation of trouble, sometimes*; Religion, in general

A new task or goal (AC) bring me (QH) peace and settles my emotions (7H).

*Notice this falls at the end of the Wee Daily Three, so we are seeing that Rule 2 dictates the direction of the outcome.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Thankful -- Wee Daily Three

I have been working a lot lately on a memorial service for a family member; and it has brought some of the farthest reaching branches of our family tree together...


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:

B, R, R - A problem or issue is resolved, things steadily improve.

Rule 2 - Suits:

C, H, H - Working (C) in the right direction for emotional success (H, H).

Rule 3 - Numerology:

K, J, 3 - Men and/or Power (K), Youths and or Messages (J), Things Growing (3)

Rule 4 - Card Descriptions:

K of Clubs - A man of darker coloring or a business man; A practical man, A boss or a superior; Sometimes a Grandfather when surrounded by Hearts; Practical power or the power to progress, to get things done
J of Hearts - A youth of medium coloring or an emotional, dreamy youth; Sometimes a beloved pet; A youth that is fun and merry-making who sometimes acts foolishly; A message from a loved one or a friend, a compliment, a "thank-you" or a small gift to show appreciation; Being asked out on a date
3 of Hearts - Fertility; A child, or children in general; Decorating or adding beauty to something; An emotional bond growing, little by little; A love triangle

My Grandfather (combination of KC and Hearts) is thankful ((JH) for the work that has been recently accomplished; which results in strengthening family bonds (3H).

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Country Property -- Wee Daily Three

I have been trying to sell an "out-in-the-county" investment property for months; maybe recent work we put into it will finally get it noticed!


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:

R, B, B - A fair beginning steadily worsens and turns foul.

Rule 2 - Suits:

D, S, C - A financial (D) problem (S) will be overcome, but more work (C) is required.

Rule 3 - Numerology:

6, 8, 4 - Paths (6), Thoughts/Ideas (8), Stability (4)

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

6 of Diamonds - Distance, in general, that is, someone or something at a distance; A car; Steps toward a financial goal; Investments 
8 of Spades - Negative thoughts or attitude; Oppression or feeling oppressed; A "poisoned atmosphere", Gossip, rumors
4 of Clubs - Goals on a firm footing; Job security; Boredom at work; Plowing or plodding along; "The County", in general; A desk

An investment issue (6D) that has me feeling trapped (8S) will turn-around; plans are on a schedule (4C).  

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Procedural Papers -- Wee Daily Three

I have been trying to help a family member arrange a military memorial service and I just received word that my request for the needed paperwork will be coming our way soon... Why would the cards tell me something I already know?


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:

B, B, B - Double, double toil and trouble.

Rule 2 - Suits:

C, S, C - A problem (S) is overcome at work or on a personal (C, C) project.

Rule 3 - Numerology:

2, K, 6 - Exchanges (2), Men and/or Power (K), Paths (6)

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

2 of Clubs - A helping hand; Business partnership; A doubling of something or a repeated cycle
K of Spades - A man of very dark coloring or a man of great authority such as a police officer, judge, or military man; A divorced or widowed man; The power to teach others a lesson, to hinder, to do harm
6 of Clubs - Business trip; Steps towards a business goal; Education, learning, teaching; Reading, books

Using research and educational resources (6C), I will be assisting someone with a procedural / military problem (combination of 2C and KS).

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Good Grief -- Wee Daily Three

Sometimes the 7H can be a complicated card to read, like the 7D from yesterday's reading, it is important to look at the entire spread and pay attention to the where the card falls.  Sometimes both meanings can be worked in; you may find that both are right!  It is just a matter of reading the cards with all possible interpretations and deciphering which resonates most with you.


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:

B, R, R - A problem will be solved, things will steadily improve.

Rule 2 - Suits:

C, H, D -Working in the right direction (C) for happiness (H) and success (D).

Rule 3 - Numerology:

10, 7, 6 - Ends (10), Troubles (7), Paths (6)

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

10 of Clubs - A great deal of work to do; Work piling up; The completion of a practical project - whether associated with work or a hobby; Achievement, in general; Journey by air, an airplane
7 of Hearts - A troubled heart or emotional problem; Unsettled emotional problems; Dissipation of trouble, sometimes; Religion, in general
6 of Diamonds - Distance, in general, that is, someone or something at a distance; A car; Steps towards a financial goal; Investments

A large pile up of work (10C), perhaps initiated from afar (6D), has been causing a bit of grief (7H) but the recent completion of a project (10C) brings both emotional relief (7H) and financial success (6D).

Monday, September 10, 2012

Steady Improvements -- Wee Daily Three

Today's cards are again talking about finances and the worries that surround it!


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:

B, R, R - A problem is solved, things will steadily improve.

Rule 2 - Suits:

S, D, D - A financial (D) problem (S) is overcome (D).

Rule 3 - Numerology:

8, 3, 7 - Thoughts/Ideas (8), Things Growing (3), Troubles (7)

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

8 of Spades - Negative thoughts or attitude; Oppression or feeling oppressed; A "poisoned atmosphere"; Gossip, rumors; War, or conflict involving groups of people; A gang, organized crime, or unruly mob
3 of Diamonds - A raise in pay, greater financial security, profits, although only a little of any of those; A small amount of money; A scattered mind, concentrating on many little things, so not much is accomplished in any one thing
7 of Diamonds - A troubled purse or financial problem; Profits down; The means will not reach the end sought; Clairvoyance and foretelling; The talent of seeing and speaking the truth; Psychism in general

Negative thoughts or worries (8S) over a small raise in pay (3S) or a troubled purse (7D) will be overcome and finances will steadily *improve.

*This reading can initially look difficult because of the conflicting information that the 7D presents. This is where the Rules, specifically the Secondmost Rule, take precedence.  One way to consider this as a positive outcome is to think of how you may have less money coming in than expected, but an expense may go away leaving more money overall.  So in the end, finances do improve.   

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Car Troubles -- Wee Daily Three

Today's wee daily three is warning me of car troubles... or perhaps some other court action or summons resulting from a problematic vehicle!


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is Bad:

B, R, B - A temporary rest or respite; appearances can be deceiving so don't let your guard down!

Rule 2 - Suits:

S, D, S - A troubled (S, S) purse (D).

Rule 3 - Numerology:

2, 6, 4 - Exchanges (2), Paths (6), Stability (4)

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

2 of Spades - Conflict; Argument; An inability to get along; Separation
6 of Diamonds - Distance, in general, that is someone or something at a distance; A car; Steps toward a financial goal; investments
4 of Spades - Instability; An uneven temper; A problem that you cannot solve or get away from (it hems you in on all four corners); Exhaustion because of steady pressure against you; "Sick and tired" of it all; Unfairness or injustice; A parking ticket or speeding ticket; A summons, lawsuit, or court or law; The Armed Forces, in general

Problems with a car (combination of 2S and 6D) resulting in a parking or speeding ticket (4S)!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

New Hobby -- Wee Daily Three

This is really interesting; recently my Aunt has asked me to help her with researching the genealogy on my father's side of the family.  I never had the time before but have started "digging" a little now that my son is getting older...


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:

R, B, R - A temporary delay or problem is overcome.

Rule 2 - Suits:

D, C, H - Money (D) making affairs or activity (C) comes easily (H).

Rule 3 - Numerology:

10, 5, 5 - Ends (10), The Body (5), The Body (5)

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

10 of Diamonds - Financial independence; Enough money to get something done; A large sum of money; Sealing a financial deal; Success, in general
5 of Clubs - Exercise; Sports; Hobbies; Craftsmanship (making practical things by hand); Working hard,  nose to the grindstone; Determination
5 of Hearts - Good health; The hand of friendship or a friend; Sexual relations; Enjoyment, entertainment in general

Having the financial means (10D) to support a new hobby (5C) brings great reward and enjoyment (5H).

P.s... I completely forgot to post this yesterday (backdating the post via scheduling) because I spent all of my free time researching on!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Extra Duties -- Wee Daily Three

I don't know how this fits into my already busy schedule!...


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:

R, R, B - A problem is on the horizon.

Rule 2 - Suits:

D, H, C - Rewards, (D) sharing with family (H) for which increased activity (C) is required.

Rule 3 - Numerology:

9, 10, 3 - Changes (9), Ends (10), Things Growing (3)

Card Definitions:

9 of Diamonds - Change in financial status, usually for the better; "Creature comforts", finery; A change in plans, generally; On rare occasion, fame
10 of Hearts - Emotional security; pleasant and stable family life; unshakable marriage bond; The spouse; Happiness, in general; Journey by or over water; A boat or a ship; Lake, ocean or other large body of water
3 of Clubs - A practical development; Moving forward, progress bit by bit; Extra work or duties; A temporary job; Part-time work; A garden or gardening; herbs; Crops, in general; Good luck or favorable circumstances

A change in financial status (9D) provides for a pleasant family life (10H) but comes with an increase in practical efforts to keep up with all the extra duties (3C).

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Mountain Cabin -- Wee Daily Three

Tomorrow we depart for a trip to the mountains for the Labor Day weekend... the cards are confirming that it will be a good time had by all!


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:

R, R, R, - All is fair and fine!

Rule 2 - Suits:

H, H, D - Happiness (H), enjoying (H) the fruits of one's success (D).

Rule 3 - Numerology:

6, 10, 9 - Paths (6), Ends (10), Changes (9)

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

6 of Hearts - Pleasant trip, vacation, usually associated; Making good progress, moving ahead, the means will reach the end; A deepening emotional bond
10 of Hearts - Emotional security; Pleasant and stable family life; Unshakable marriage bond; The spouse; Happiness, in general; Journey by or over water; A boat or a ship; Lake, ocean or other large body of water
9 of Diamonds - Change in financial status, usually for the better; "Creature comforts", finery; A change in plans, generally; On rare occasion, fame

A family vacation (combination of 6H and 10H*) full of creature comforts and finery (9D).

*A note about 10s and travel: 10s usually only imply travel when connected with a 6 (paths) or another 10. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Troubled Changes -- Wee Daily Three

The cards speak of terrible tidings today; I pray that they are wrong!


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:

B, R, B - A temporary truce or respite.  Don't let your guard down, appearances can be deceiving.

Rule 2 - Suits:

S, H, S - A troubled (S, S) heart (H).

Rule 3 - Numerology:

9, 3, A - Changes (9), Things Growing (3), Beginnings (A)

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

9 of Spades - Changes for the worse; The Client's wish will not come true; Disappointment; Injury
3 of Hearts - Fertility; A child or children in general; Decorating or adding beauty to something; An emotional bond growing, little by little; A love triangle
A of Spades - A decision, generally an important one; A death or an ending; A big change

Troubled changes (9S) with a child (3H) will require that an important decision (AS) be made.

The AS coupled with a 9 of any suit speaks of drastic changes, with the suit speaking more clearly to the area of change.  As you can see, the cards can be divined in many ways, some I prefer not to put in writing... only today's events will tell the whole story.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Every Little Bit -- Wee Daily Three

The cards are pointing to a small increase in profits today; every little bit counts!


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:

B, R, R - A problem will be solved, things will steadily improve.

Rule 2 - Suits:

C, D, D - Working (C) in the right direction for financial (D) success (D).

Rule 3 - Numerology:

3, 2, 3 - Things Growing (3), Exchanges (2), Things Growing (3)

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

3 of Clubs - A practical development; Moving forward, progress bit by bit; Extra work or duties; Temporary work or a part-time job; A garden or gardening; Herbs; Crops, in general; Good luck*
2 of Diamonds - Money changing hands; A gift; An invitation; Telephone call, message
3 of Diamonds - A raise in pay; greater financial security, profits, although only a little of these; A small amount of money; A scattered mind, concentrating on many little things, so not much is accomplished in any one thing

Information (2D) about the progress of a practical development (3C) leads to a small increase in profits and greater financial security (3D).

*The traditional meaning for 3C is "good luck" and this has usually been true for me.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Business Affairs -- Wee Daily Three

The cards are telling me to be on the lookout for troubles in business affairs today...


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:

B, B, B - Beset with troubles and hardships.

Rule 2 - Suits:

C, C, S - Working (C) in the wrong direction, goals (C) appear out of reach (S).

Rule 3 - Numerology:

Q, 2, 4 - Women and/or Truths (Q), Exchanges (2), Stability (4)

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

Q of Clubs - A woman of darker coloring or a business woman; A career woman; Boss or superior; A practical, efficient woman; The truth of a business matter
2 of Clubs - A helping hand; Business partnership; A doubling of something or a repeated cycle
4 of Spades - Instability; An uneven temper; A problem that you cannot get away from (it hems you in on all four corners); Exhaustion because of a steady pressure against you; "Sick and tired" of it all; Unfairness or injustice; A speeding ticket or parking ticket; A court summons, lawsuit, or court of law; The Armed Forces, in general

A problem (4S) results with a business (QC) partnership (combination of QC and 2C).

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Progress -- Wee Daily Three

We had a fun and busy day today!  My little one started soccer, something that my husband has wanted him to do for quite some time.


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is Bad:

R, B, R - A problem is solved or overcome.

Rule 2 - Suits:

H, C, H - Creativity (C) and service (H) to others (H).

Rule 3 - Numerology:

6, A, A - Paths (6), Beginnings (A), Beginnings (A) 

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

6 of Hearts - Pleasant trip, vacation, usually associated with family or friends; Making good progress, moving ahead, the means will reach the end; A deepening emotional bond
A of Clubs - A new duty, task, goal, or opportunity
A of Hearts - The home; The family or a family member; The beginning of a love affair or new friendship; Sometimes a birth or addition to the family, or a change of residence

Progress toward a goal (combination of 6H and AC) involving the home or a family member (AH).

Friday, August 24, 2012

Emotional Stability -- Wee Daily Three

I have a lot of things that are on-going; I'm interested to see how this will shake out today!


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:

R, B, R - A small delay or problem will be overcome.

Rule 2 - Suits:

D, C, H - Money (D) making (C) affairs come easily (H).

Rule 3 - Numerology:

2, Q, 4 - Exchanges (2), Women and/or Truths (Q), Stability (4)

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

2 of Diamonds - Money changing hands; A gift; An invitation; Telephone call, message
Q of Clubs - A woman of darker coloring or a business woman; A boss or superior; A practical or efficient woman; If with hearts, maybe the Client's grandmother; The truth of a business matter
4 of Hearts - Emotional stability; An even temper; Fairness or justice; An apartment, summer home or cottage; An outbuilding that serves the house (AH)

I will receive a phone call (combination of 2D before a Court Card) concerning a business matter (QC) that will settle my emotions (4H).