The cards are pointing to a small increase in profits today; every little bit counts!
Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:
B, R, R - A problem will be solved, things will steadily improve.
Rule 2 - Suits:
C, D, D - Working (C) in the right direction for financial (D) success (D).
Rule 3 - Numerology:
3, 2, 3 - Things Growing (3), Exchanges (2), Things Growing (3)
Rule 4 - Card Definitions:
3 of Clubs - A practical development; Moving forward, progress bit by bit; Extra work or duties; Temporary work or a part-time job; A garden or gardening; Herbs; Crops, in general; Good luck*
2 of Diamonds - Money changing hands; A gift; An invitation; Telephone call, message
3 of Diamonds - A raise in pay; greater financial security, profits, although only a little of these; A small amount of money; A scattered mind, concentrating on many little things, so not much is accomplished in any one thing
Information (2D) about the progress of a practical development (3C) leads to a small increase in profits and greater financial security (3D).
*The traditional meaning for 3C is "good luck" and this has usually been true for me.
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