Friday, August 24, 2012

Emotional Stability -- Wee Daily Three

I have a lot of things that are on-going; I'm interested to see how this will shake out today!


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:

R, B, R - A small delay or problem will be overcome.

Rule 2 - Suits:

D, C, H - Money (D) making (C) affairs come easily (H).

Rule 3 - Numerology:

2, Q, 4 - Exchanges (2), Women and/or Truths (Q), Stability (4)

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

2 of Diamonds - Money changing hands; A gift; An invitation; Telephone call, message
Q of Clubs - A woman of darker coloring or a business woman; A boss or superior; A practical or efficient woman; If with hearts, maybe the Client's grandmother; The truth of a business matter
4 of Hearts - Emotional stability; An even temper; Fairness or justice; An apartment, summer home or cottage; An outbuilding that serves the house (AH)

I will receive a phone call (combination of 2D before a Court Card) concerning a business matter (QC) that will settle my emotions (4H).

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