Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Marriage Bond -- Wee Daily Three

While I was typing this up, my husband called and asked if I would be interested in renting a lake-front cabin in the mountains over the upcoming Labor Day weekend!


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:

R, B, R - A small problem or delay will be overcome.

Rule 2 - Suits:

H, C, H - Creativity (C), service (H) to others (H).

Rule 3 - Numerology:

10, Q, 6 - Ends (10), Women and/or Truths (Q), Paths (6)

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

10 of Hearts - Emotional stability; Pleasant and stable family life; Unshakable marriage bond; the spouse; Happiness, in general; Journey by or over water; A boat or a ship; lake, ocean or other large body of water
Q of Clubs - A woman of darker coloring or a business woman; A career-orientated woman, boss or superior; A practical, efficient woman; If with hearts, sometimes the Client's grandmother; The truth of a business matter
6 of Hearts - Pleasant trip, vacation, usually associated with family or friends; Making good progress, moving ahead, the means will reach the end; A deepening emotional bond

The marriage bond is important (combination of 10H and Court Card) and celebrated with a family vacation or pleasant trip (6H).

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