Monday, August 13, 2012

Financial Stability -- Wee Daily Three

Good news with today's wee daily three, I can't wait to check my mail!


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:

R, B, R - A small delay or problem will be overcome.

Rule 2 - Suits:

D, C, D - Money (D) making affairs (C) or financial activity (D).

Rule 3 - Numerology:

7, J, 4 - Troubles (7), Messages and/or Youths (J), Stability (4)

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

7 of Diamonds - A troubled purse or financial problem; Profits down; The ends will not meet the end sought; Clairvoyance and foretelling; Psychism, in general
J of Clubs - A youth of darker coloring or a practical youth; An apprentice; A message concerning a business venture or some practical matter 
4 of Diamonds - Financial stability; A check; A bank account; An official document; A license or certification; "The City", in general

A message (JC) that financial issues (7D) with a business venture (JC) will be resolved, the "check is in the bank" (4D)! 

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