Sunday, August 5, 2012

Raised Cups -- Wee Daily Three

Today's draw is right on the money for another endeavor our family has in the works, the cards never cease to amaze me!


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:

R, B, R - A small delay or problem will be overcome.

Rule 2 - Suits:

D, S, H - A financial (D) problem (S) is easily (H) overcome.

Rule 3 - Numerology:

9, 3, 8 - Changes (9), Things Growing (3), Thoughts/Ideas (8)

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

9 of Diamonds - Change in financial status, usually for the better; Creature comforts, "finery"; A change in plans, generally; On rare occasion, fame
3 of Spades - Problems adding up; Small aggravations; Interference from a third party; Loss, something lost
8 of Hearts - Thoughts about love or emotional thoughts; A group of people celebrating; Festive atmosphere, party, or sometimes a wedding; "Raised cups", social drinking; Flirtatious conversation; A social club

A change of plans (9D) will lead to small aggravations (3S), but it is easily overcome and a festive outing (8H) will proceed as planned.

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