Thursday, September 13, 2012

Country Property -- Wee Daily Three

I have been trying to sell an "out-in-the-county" investment property for months; maybe recent work we put into it will finally get it noticed!


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:

R, B, B - A fair beginning steadily worsens and turns foul.

Rule 2 - Suits:

D, S, C - A financial (D) problem (S) will be overcome, but more work (C) is required.

Rule 3 - Numerology:

6, 8, 4 - Paths (6), Thoughts/Ideas (8), Stability (4)

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

6 of Diamonds - Distance, in general, that is, someone or something at a distance; A car; Steps toward a financial goal; Investments 
8 of Spades - Negative thoughts or attitude; Oppression or feeling oppressed; A "poisoned atmosphere", Gossip, rumors
4 of Clubs - Goals on a firm footing; Job security; Boredom at work; Plowing or plodding along; "The County", in general; A desk

An investment issue (6D) that has me feeling trapped (8S) will turn-around; plans are on a schedule (4C).  

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