Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Thankful -- Wee Daily Three

I have been working a lot lately on a memorial service for a family member; and it has brought some of the farthest reaching branches of our family tree together...


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:

B, R, R - A problem or issue is resolved, things steadily improve.

Rule 2 - Suits:

C, H, H - Working (C) in the right direction for emotional success (H, H).

Rule 3 - Numerology:

K, J, 3 - Men and/or Power (K), Youths and or Messages (J), Things Growing (3)

Rule 4 - Card Descriptions:

K of Clubs - A man of darker coloring or a business man; A practical man, A boss or a superior; Sometimes a Grandfather when surrounded by Hearts; Practical power or the power to progress, to get things done
J of Hearts - A youth of medium coloring or an emotional, dreamy youth; Sometimes a beloved pet; A youth that is fun and merry-making who sometimes acts foolishly; A message from a loved one or a friend, a compliment, a "thank-you" or a small gift to show appreciation; Being asked out on a date
3 of Hearts - Fertility; A child, or children in general; Decorating or adding beauty to something; An emotional bond growing, little by little; A love triangle

My Grandfather (combination of KC and Hearts) is thankful ((JH) for the work that has been recently accomplished; which results in strengthening family bonds (3H).

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