Friday, June 29, 2012

Feeling Disheartened -- Wee Daily Three

I am posting this late today, responsibilities at home got the best of my day!  As for the message in the cards... I can only wonder!  I haven't had much news of anything today.


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad

B, R, B - A temporary truce or rest.  Do not let your guard down; appearances can be deceiving.

Rule 2 - Suits:

S, D, S - A troubled purse.

Rule 3 - Numerology:

9, J, 8 - Changes (9), Youth and/or Messages (J), Thoughts or Ideas (8)

Rule 4 - Card Descriptions:

9 of Spades - Change for the worse; The Seeker's wish will not come true; Disappointment; Injury
J of Diamonds - A fair youth or a youth of privilege; A message concerning money
8 of Spades - Negative thoughts or attitude; Oppression or feeling oppressed; Gossip; Gang or unruly group of people; War

A disappointing (9S) message concerning finances (JD) will leave me feeling disheartened (8S).

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