Saturday, June 30, 2012

Eye On the Prize -- Wee Daily Three

Today's pull is telling me that I am on the right track, but that more work is needed to ensure the success I am looking for.


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:

B, R, B - A temporary truce or rest.  Do not let your guard down; appearances can be deceiving.

Rule 2 - Suits:

C, D, C - Much work but only little profit.

Rule 3 - Numerology:

4, 9, 10 - Stability (4), Changes (9), Ends (10)

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

4 of Clubs - Goals on firm footing; A desk; The Country; Plodding along; Boredom at work
9 of Diamonds - Change in financial status, usually for the better; Creature comforts, finery; On rare occasions, fame
10 of Clubs - A great deal of work to do, work piling up; Completion of a practical project; Achievement in general; Journey by air

Practical goals and workings for a better financial status (9D) are on a firm footing (4C) however, there is still a great deal of work to be done (10C) so don't take your eye off of the prize!

With two clubs in this draw, the cards are telling me not to forget that lots of work --often boring and tedious-- is required in my current task.  I am on my way to my first "Spiritual Development" class today, and this is a good message for me to keep in mind!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Feeling Disheartened -- Wee Daily Three

I am posting this late today, responsibilities at home got the best of my day!  As for the message in the cards... I can only wonder!  I haven't had much news of anything today.


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad

B, R, B - A temporary truce or rest.  Do not let your guard down; appearances can be deceiving.

Rule 2 - Suits:

S, D, S - A troubled purse.

Rule 3 - Numerology:

9, J, 8 - Changes (9), Youth and/or Messages (J), Thoughts or Ideas (8)

Rule 4 - Card Descriptions:

9 of Spades - Change for the worse; The Seeker's wish will not come true; Disappointment; Injury
J of Diamonds - A fair youth or a youth of privilege; A message concerning money
8 of Spades - Negative thoughts or attitude; Oppression or feeling oppressed; Gossip; Gang or unruly group of people; War

A disappointing (9S) message concerning finances (JD) will leave me feeling disheartened (8S).

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Great News -- Wee Daily Three

Today's wee daily three promises long-awaited good news that leads to positive changes, I can't hardly wait!


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:

B, R, R - A problem will be solved, things will steadily improve.

Rule 2 - Suits:

S, H, D - An emotional (H) problem (S) is successfully (D) overcome.

Rule 3 - Numerology:

4, 9, 2 - Stability (4), Changes (9), Exchanges (2)

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

4 of Spades - Instability; Uneven temper; Exhaustion; Speeding ticket
9 of Hearts - Change of heart; The "Big Wish" card*; Change for the better
2 of Diamonds - Money changing hands, A message; An invitation

A long-awaited (4S) message (2D) concerning something near and dear to the heart (9H) ushers in positive changes that I have been hoping for.

*The 9 of Hearts (9H) is the "Big Wish" card in most cartomancy systems.  I remember my Mom telling me that anything that was wished for "known or unknown" would be granted.  You can decipher more closely the nature of the wish by looking at the cards that fall near to her.  For wee daily three pulls I use it in a more general way, she still tells me that a good thing is coming my way, just not in the large-scale way that you would see in a more detailed draw.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Happy Returns -- Wee Daily Three

Today's wee daily three is interesting to say the least!  Sometimes, they don't make any sense or relate to me at all...


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:

S, H, D - A problem will be solved, things will steadily improve.

Rule 2 - Suits:

S, H, D - An emotional (H) problem (S) is successfully (D) overcome.

Rule 3 - Numerology:

2, 2, K - Exchanges (2), Exchanges (2)*, Men and/or Power

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

2 of Spades - Arguments; Conflicts; Separation
2 of Hearts - Love; Relationships; Marriage
K of Diamonds - A fair man or a man of financial means; Financial power to pay for things

A person (Court Card - KD) from who you have been separated (2S) returns to the marriage (2H).

*Note - Take notice of the double twos falling together, this can indicate things (good and bad) coming in pairs!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Profits on Hold -- Wee Daily Three

I'm noticing a trend with the cards; great mornings descend into struggles in the evenings.


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:

R, B, B - A fair beginning steadily worsens and turns foul.

Rule 2 - Suits:

D, S, C - A financial (D) problem you will work out of (C), but slowly (S).

Rule 3 - Numerology:

7, Q, 10 - Troubles (7), Women and/or Truths (Q), Ends (10).

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

7 of Diamonds - A troubled purse, profits down; Clairvoyance and foretelling
Q of Spades - A woman of dark coloring; a woman in a position of authority; An unpleasant truth
10 of Clubs - A great deal of work to do; Work piling up; Completion of a practical project; Achievement in general; Journey by air


An unpleasant message (QS) about a practical project (10C) that is affecting profits (7D) or not receiving profits, profits down (7D), until the completion of a project (10C).

Funny, I got a call from my brother this morning about a familial real estate transaction that is up in the air.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Unexpected Trouble -- Wee Daily Three

I could've done without this draw today, I can only wait and see how it all unfolds!


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is Bad:

B, B, B - Trouble, trouble, and another dose of trouble.

Rule 2 - Suits:

S, C, C - A lot of work (C) is needed (C) to overcome a problem or troubled situation (S).

Rule 3 - Numerology:

9, J, Q - Changes (9), Youths and/or Messages (J), Women and/or Truths (Q).

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

9 of Spades - Disappointment; Changes for the worse
J of Clubs - A practical youth; Message of a practical matter
Q of Clubs - A business woman; Truth of a business matter

Today's daily draw points to unexpected troubles and disappointment (9S) that will require an understanding of practical (JC) truths (QC) to overcome.

This is a tough draw for me; Court cards don't always represent the actual people described by their traits. I use the traits mainly when setting aside a "Querent" card for a reading.  Also, when I see Jacks and Queens (or any Court) of the same suit falling together it often indicates a surprise or unexpected action.  Coupled with the 9 (Changes) of Spades (Troubles), it tells me to be on my guard because anything could happen today!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Helping Hand -- Wee Daily Three

Sometimes it's not always about me, me, me!  Today's wee daily three is a good example of such...


Rule 1 – Red is good and Black is bad:

R, B, B – A fair beginning steadily worsens and turns foul.

Rule 2 – Suits:

H, C, S - An emotional (H) problem that you will work out of (C), but slowly (S).

Rule 3 - Numerology;

7, 8, 2 – Troubles (7), Ideas and Thought (8), Exchanges (2).

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

7 of Hearts – A troubled heart or emotional problem
8 of Spades – Negative thoughts or attitude; Feeling oppressed.
2 of Clubs – A helping hand; A doubling.

A helping hand (2C) with an emotional problem (7H) that stems from one’s own negative thoughts or feelings of oppression (8S).  

I was stumped with these cards this morning, I am feeling very well and my thoughts are all unicorns and butterflies!  I did however; get a call from a girlfriend who needed a little assistance with an ongoing emotional issue she is experiencing.  Right on, Wee Daily Three, right on!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Another Argument -- Wee Daily Three

Wow, maybe I should think twice about publicly posting my daily card draws, these little pulls are about airing the little "discussions" my husband and I always have concerning finances at the end of the month!  Anyway, let's get started.  I'll break it down into worksheet format like I did yesterday so that you can see the entire flow unfold.


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:

R, B, B - A fair beginning steadily worsens and turns foul.

Rule 2 - Suits:

D, C, S - A financial (D) problem that you will work out of (C), but slowly (S).

Rule 3 - Numerology;

10, 2, 6 - Ends (10), Exchanges (2), Paths (6).

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

10 of Diamonds - Financial independence; Closing a deal; Large sum of money
2 of Spades - Arguments; Separation; Conflicts
6 of Clubs - Steps towards a business goal; Learning

Another argument (2S) about a larger financial issue (10D) that, with a little effort (6C), will be worked out.

This draw is, again, a reflection of yesterday's issues surfacing again.  For me, cards will come up over and over again until the issue is resolved.  In yesterday's case, I had paid the utilities twice. Today, I forgot to pay the car payment.  Thank goodness for 24-hour internet banking, with a few button-pushes, all was right in our world again!  Here is a great example of that little "not always" with red being good and black being bad I talked about in an earlier post.  Clubs ending a trio aren't really or always that bad, it just means that a little work will need to be done to resolve the issue.

Another possibility for these cards could point to a physical separation (2S) due to business (10D) travel (6C).  However, this outcome really doesn't resonate with me right now!

Friday, June 22, 2012

An Argument about Finances -- Wee Daily Three

I thought that I would try today’s draw in the form of a worksheet.  I used to write every reading out like this, it really helped me to tie everything together.  After awhile, you will find that you don't need to do this anymore because your intuition kicks in and the messages start to flow through automatically.

Wee Daily Three Worksheet


Rule 1* – Red is good and Black is Bad:

R, B, B - A fair beginning steadily worsens and turns foul.

Rule 2 – Suits:

D, S, S – Finances (D) are moving in the wrong direction (S) and goals feel out of reach (S).

Rule 3 – Numerology:

K, 3, 2 – Men or Power (K), Growing things (3), Exchanges (2).

Rule 4 – Card Definitions:

K of Diamonds – Man of wealth; The power of finances, to pay for things
3 of Spades – Loss, Problems adding up
2 of Spades – Arguments; Separation; Conflict

This one is pretty clean cut, an argument (2S) with my husband (KD) about the state (3S) of our finances (KD).  I did find out this morning that I over-payed a few utilities (oops, it happens).. not that big of a deal.  He won’t be too upset, I don’t think!!

*These rules are based on the HedgeWytch Method found archived here.  The original website in no longer up, this is the best I could find!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Fun with Social Media

So I've been spending a large amount time the past few days not only setting up this blog, but trying to set up and publish through various social media outlets with varying degrees of success.  Twitter has suspended me, apparently because it doesn't like the way RSS automatically updated two -count 'em- two of my blog posts to my Twitter feed and now I can't get the "push" feature to work in Facebook.  Fun times!!

So, I am going to take the rest of the day off, get a good meditation session in, do some readings for my cat, and hopefully some of this stuff will work itself out by tomorrow!  :-)

Card Reading with Training Wheels

Memorizing 52 card meanings is hard.  Especially if you have other things going on in your life, or are sleep-deprived, have a full-time job, a family to feed and care for, you get the idea!

When I first started reading cards back in the day, I would write a few words lightly on each card just to get my head wrapped around all of the definitions and meanings.  So when I returned to cartomancy after a long hiatus, I had to start all over again relearning definitions.  I tried to remember them the way that I was taught, but the book that I had read to tatters so many years ago was long gone along with its secrets.  

So, I wrote down everything that I could remember and started looking at other systems that felt familiar to me.  It's funny how after doing a few readings, things came back and new meanings synthesized in to create a whole new system that is entirely mine.  I really feel that this is the best way to start with and develop a deeply personal metaphysical tool that speaks to you.

So pick up an extra deck of playing cards, address labels if you are having a hard time writing on the newer plastic surfaces, a sharpie marker, and you are on your way!  I also recommend keeping a notebook with a page or two dedicated to each card. You can write down meanings as they evolve and even keep track of how readings play out to really see how the cards speak to you.  I've included a picture of my journal, as you can see it isn't anything fancy, but it gets the job done!  One other thing to keep in mind, every few days, do a few readings without your "training-wheels" deck ... you will want to ensure that you are progressing and not relying on the hard and fast definitions.  The overall idea is to just memorize enough of the meanings to get your intuition going.

If you have a lot going on in your day like I do, you will find yourself picking up your cartomancy system faster than ever!  Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

We Still Have Work to Do -- Wee Daily Three

Today's draw tells me that we still have a little work to do to overcome yesterday's issues.

General Meanings:

6 of Clubs - Business trip or goal; Education (learning, reading, teaching, etc.)

7 of Spades - Trouble; Tears

3 of Hearts - A child; Fertility

My first reaction when turning these little darlings over this morning was, "Uffda, a 7 of Spades!"  But I will cover more of that little bit-o-sunshine (not) in a minute.


Today's wee daily three suggests to me that we still have a little bit of work to do and steps to take (6 of Clubs) to accomplish our goal with our toddler's (3 of Hearts) potty training.  And although the problem will be solved rather easily (3 of hearts ends the trio) it won't be for a lack of tears and frustration (7 of Spades).

Not so horribly bad after all!  Now let's talk about my first impression with the 7 of Spades.  In most cartomancy systems, this card means bad luck or a loss, or something else on the terrible-spectrum.  I couldn't agree more.  Not only are we talking about the mystical power of 7, which can mostly represent troubles in my book; but the suit of Spades, which are generally limitations, troubles, and set-backs.  So it can be a little bit of a double-whammy when it shows up in a reading. The good part, and light at the end of the tunnel, is that the 7S is covered by the 3H, a sweet card of loveliness and beauty.

So all's well that ends well!

Another last note, when I see the same card showing up again and again in readings or daily draws, it tells me that the original issue is still unresolved.  Some folks disagree with me on this and read every draw as a new day.  You may have an entirely different take, if so please let me know in the comments section, I'd love to hear your feedback!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

An Unpleasant Conversation -- Wee Daily Three

Let's just say that I like to stay mundane in my daily draws, never have I had the experience of a major epiphany with the pulling of the "wee daily three".

And today's draw is certainly no different, so let's jump in!*

These cards are reinforcing an issue that my husband and I have been dealing with for months, the attempts to potty train our toddler.

General Meanings:

Q of Spades - A woman of dark coloring or in a position of authority; A message that is hard to accept, A lie

3 of Hearts - A child; Fertility

9 of Diamonds - Financial change for the better; A change in plans


My first impression is that the somewhat emotional situation with potty training is past the sticking point and that progress will continue and steadily improve.  Yesterday I had an unpleasant conversation with my son's babysitter (Q of Spades) about how I baby him (3 of Hearts) too much and that this is the reason he is not consistent with his bathroom habits.  Ouch!  She made a few suggestions and changes (9 of Diamonds) to my game-plan that should, hopefully, get him on track for potty training success.

Let me explain a little more about the overall feel of the draw.  I don't look immediately to the definitions of the cards to answer my question. Firstly, I look at their colors, their suits, and their meanings in numerology.  Secondly, I look at the progression of the draw.  Time moves from left to right; the first card drawn indicates the situation at hand or the recent past, the middle card is now, and the last card (as the most important card in this type of draw) indicates the outcome, where you are headed as a result of the first two cards.  This is not really the way that I was taught to read cards as a child, although I have blended a lot of that older system in with the newer systems I've been reading about online and in various books.

Keeping all of this in mind, let's look at the cards again.  Initially, red is good and black is bad.  This isn't always set in stone, but we'll talk more about that at a later time.  For now, we are seeing black (QS) move to red (3H, 9D) which indicates that the problem is behind us and we are now progressing ahead.  We also see the suit of Spades (troubles) move to Hearts (emotions) and on to Diamonds (success) indicating that an emotional issue will be successfully overcome. Lastly, we string it all together to get the outcome I've posted above. So even if the definition of the individual card stumps you or doesn't quite make sense, look to the colors, the suit meanings and the progression from left to right.  Another item worth pointing out is that the Q of Spades in my deck (not the picture above) is looking at the 3 of Hearts which indicates a message delivered out of love and concern for the child.  Thus the other meanings for the Q of Spades as "an enemy, a lie, etc..." just don't speak to me on today's pull.

You may see something else in the cards, if so please comment!  I would love to hear other opinions and suggestions.  There are so many different meanings and systems out there, and most contradict each other!  The most import thing to remember if trying to learn a card reading system is to pick one that resonates with you and STICK to it! You can always evolve your system as you become more comfortable with reading in general.

I highly recommend reading Kapherus' Blog at  The Art of Cartomancy, Regina Russell's Card Reader's Handbook, and The Cottage of HedgeWytch if you can find it somewhere online.  The author, Dawn Jackson, had a wonderful site up at one time but has since taken it down.  The rumor in cartomancy and tarot forums is that a book is to be published on the HedgeWytch Method, thus the absence of the material from the greater World Wide Web.

*Images in this post were created by David Bellot and free for use under the Creative Commons License.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Subliminal Meditation and Brainwave Technology

My first experience with meditation began with subliminal meditation and brainwave technology.  It was 2010 and I was at my wits' end trying to lose the last bits of baby weight after my son was born.  It had been a year and I still had 15 to 20 lbs to lose!  Nothing worked for me, I was running in the cruel North Carolina heat, counting every calorie, drinking meal-replacement shakes, calorie cycling, you name it - I tried it!  I was really frustrated and feeling overwhelmed.  On a whim, I looked up hypnosis and a few more clicks down the rabbit-hole I stumbled upon Kelly Howell's BrainSync website.  I remembered that a co-worker had successfully used some of her guided meditations to overcome complications from a surgery that caused more problems than it fixed.

So I downloaded a Weight Loss meditation in mp3 format, plugged in my headphones and never looked back!  Every evening I would put my son to bed then turn on my iPod and listen to the soothing music, I couldn't hear any of the spoken messages, while my husband read.  It actually became a nice routine; helping me to unwind from my day before turning in for the night.  I honestly don't know how to explain it, but within six months, I was able to lose 30 lbs.  I went from a size 10 to a size six.  That was two years ago and I've still managed to keep the weight off.  I occasionally listen to that meditation to make sure the message is sticking in my head...  so far, so good!

I have downloaded many other subliminal meditations, guided meditations, and vibrational healing meditations using brainwave and isochronic technology to varying degrees of like/ dislike/ success. It is really only this year that I have started to explore silent meditation where I (try to) clear my mind and focus on breathing, and what a wonderful new world that is opening up to me!  I will write more about these experiences in upcoming posts.  I guess if there is any one message in this post, it is that I believe in the power of meditation.  It works, and this is coming from someone who (at the time) didn't know the difference between a chakra and a grassy plain in Jaipur.

"...knock and the door will be opened to you."
~Matthew 7:7

Thank you PsychicTeachers!

First of all, I would like to thank the PsychicTeachers over at BlogTalkRadio for launching me on this exciting journey!  Two amazing ladies, Deb Bowen and Samantha Fey, are behind the microphone every Sunday night at 9pm EST.  If you can't tune-in live, you can find them on iTunes and download all of their podcasts so that you can listen at your convenience.  I am trying to catch up myself; there are 100 plus episodes and each is an hour-long.  They are such a wealth of information I squeeze them in whenever I can!  I am not above listening to them while a.) showering b.) grocery shopping, and c.) walking in lieu of music!

I have learned so much, Deb and Samantha have a lot of great information and real world experience to share with their listeners and they do it in a fun, light-hearted way.  Some of the many subjects they have covered are working with and using crystals, awakening your intuition, tarot, palm reading, grounding and protection, numerology, chakra balancing, mediumship, meditation, the list goes on and on.  It really brings me back to sitting around my mother's kitchen table with a couple of my favorite "aunties" and talking about all the woo-woo stuff, as my dad called it, while the men folk barbecued in the back yard!

As much as I love both of these ladies, I feel an especially deep kinship to Samantha.  Growing up Catholic and intuitive was not easy, there were many times that I felt  completely and directly in conflict with the teachings of my family, friends, teachers, church leaders, etc. I'm from a small town, it was hard to hide, I was the strange one. Thankfully, I had a mother (and a few aunties) that quietly supported me and encouraged my growth as long as it didn't cause any unwanted attention.  She would sneak me off to the library in the next large city and even introduced me to card reading with playing cards, as tarot cards were absolutely not allowed in our home!

It has taken me many years to come to terms with these issues, and I feel that listening to the PsychicTeachers have assisted in making this a more peaceful and enlightened journey.


Welcome to my blog!  Thank you for joining me on my journey of spiritual enlightenment.  My name is Valentina and I am a working wife, mom, animal devotee and lover of all things spiritual and beautiful.  I grew up in a deeply religious home with a Mother that celebrated and embraced the deeper mysteries of the world and life.  I think that we shared a past lifetime together as Rom women traveling through Eastern Europe peddling fortunes "whenever and wherever" to quote the enchanting Shakira!

This is my first foray into blogging, so please be patient with me as I bumble my way through this.  My intentions with this project it not only to journal my experiences, but to share with you as so many others have shared with me!  My hope is that we can all travel together -- hand in hand -- if only for a short while.

Some of the things I am currently enjoying / exploring are meditation, cartomancy with playing cards (thus the blog name!), clairvoyance and her lovely sisters (clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance, etc...), reiki, yoga and energy healing.  I am totally and completely self-taught, so please keep that in mind when reading future posts!  A lot of the information I've gathered comes from various sources and I will always link-back and give credit where credit is due to the best of my ability.