Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Health & Wealth -- Wee Daily Three

Looks like today's draw is all about my toddler... he's going to have a great day!


Rule 1 - Red is good and Black is bad:

R, R, R - All is fair and fine!

Rule 2 - Suits:

H, D, D - Enjoying the fruits of one's labor; comfort and security.

Rule 3 - Numerology:

5, 10, J - The Body (5), Ends (10), Youths and/or Messages (J)

Rule 4 - Card Definitions:

5 of Hearts - Good health; The hand of friendship or a friend; Enjoyment; Sexual relations; Entertainment in general
10 of Diamonds - Financial independence; Enough money to get things done; A large sum of money; Sealing the deal; Success, in general
J of Diamonds - A fair or privileged youth; A message concerning money

Health, wealth and happiness (combination of 5H and 10D) for my "young man" (JD) today.

Go with your intuition on whether to decide if the Jack in your readings are messages or youths.  In the past, my son has also come up as the 3 of Hearts - meaning Child or Children, in general.

"Firecraker, Lightning seed,
It was always in me."
~Delerium, Fallen Icons

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